Activities for partners
For all partners
- Advanced Sailing Courses
- Dinners for members to get to know each other
- Excursions to the Island of Cabrera in winter
- Squid Fishing Course, Fishing in Volantin, Fishing for Raons.
- Wine Tasting
- High altitude regattas where members can practice night sailing
- Local races such as Palma Vela, Princesa Sofia etc.
Refresher courses
- Man overboard
- Sailing in strong winds
- Practice doing curls
- Practice of the ship's emergency systems
- Knowing how to read a weather report
- Radio practices such as making a distress call
- How to weather a storm
- Engine failure practice
- Practice of a good anchorage
This course is held so that Skipper Sailing Club members are prepared for anything that might happen to them at sea. They are carried out for the safety of the members and that they can expand their nautical knowledge.